A Coffee with Mark Ryan: iKhofi Team Series

Mark Ryan ikhofi engineer

If there’s one thing that’s more important than coffee at iKhofi, it’s our iKhofi family. From our passionate iCare team to our talented iBaristas, it takes a broad range of skills and expertise to keep the workplace fully caffeinated. In this blog, we’ll be chatting with our fun-loving, problem-solving, coffee warrior - Mark Ryan!


Mark, can you tell us a little about your role at iKhofi?

I'm an engineer for iKhofi which involves repairing our customers' coffee machines and water machines, installing machines in new and current sites, visiting sites for general maintenance and training.

What personality trait do you most attribute your success to, and why?

A trait I'd say I have is friendly which helps in all aspects whether it be with fellow staff or clients, I like to think I'm approachable and people are comfortable to ask me for help or for advice. 

What’s one thing most people don’t know about you?

I'm a massive Harry Potter fan and every Christmas I binge the whole collection over December (I’ll regret admitting that).

What’s one song you have completely memorised?

Foo Fighters - Everlong, always loved this song since I saw them in Wembley back in 2008!

If you could trade places with anyone for a day, who would you choose?

Ryan Reynolds! He's a superhero, he owns a football club and owns his own gin company. 

What are your three most used emojis (no cheating!)? 

🤣 👍 🍻

What’s one of your favourite memories from the past year?

Best memory is getting married (have to say that or my wife will kill me) and second is travelling to Tuscany.

If you could choose a superpower, what would it be?

Superpower would be The Hulk, so I never have to work out again and can eat what I like.

*Hold up, does that mean The Hulk can also drink as much coffee as he likes? Asking for a friend…

Hang around for the next of our team series, where you’ll get to know another of our valued team members!


We’re Proud to Announce our B-Corp Status! 🌱


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